night, amidst the rush of preparing for the Christmas weekend, I took a break
from the planning and juggling to do the mundane and take out the trash. It was
already dark, maybe an hour after sunset. Black was the night, save for one anomaly
in the sky. I was home alone; the family went out for some last-minute shopping.
I took
the picture, got some video footage and moved on – sort of. I did a quick
search to see what this, apparently, glowing cloud could possibly be.
Explanations afforded were aurora borealis or a summer weather anomaly that
didn’t account for what I’m seeing. Precious time had been wasted so I dropped
it - Christmas weekend affords the opportunity for few deviations when you need
to schedule for the normal routine and the holiday tradition. The family comes
home, and apparently the “clear as day UFO Sighting”, and “Alien Invasion” was
on the tongue of last minute shoppers everywhere, as if the talking point was accepted as fact. At this point I hadn’t put
two and two together regarding what I had seen, still distracted by the
upcoming festivities. Short on answers, I asked the internet what all the fuss
was about. I searched for anything
involving a UFO sighting in our general region, and came up empty.
Until headlines decided
to update.
the bombardment of perceived incoming UFO disclosure in the headlines, it’s on
the public’s mind again. Anything unaccounted for in the sky is fair game at
being called a UFO, by it’s definition: Unidentified
Flying Object. Seventy years after Roswell and the vast sum of mythology
and pop culture surrounding it, this definition has taken on a new cultural
meaning – it’s become synonymous with extra-terrestrial craft, perhaps intentionally.
For most
of the week, I’ve been doing some writing I have yet to make available on this
very topic – exploring very earth based and much less mysterious explanations for
the greater UFO mythology. I’ve withheld publication due to having no diving
board to plunge into this cloudy pool; A subject I've been curious about, but never considered writing about in a public way.
night provided the introduction to bring this forward, to view the phenomenon in
a different context and to introduce a subject to my writing that doesn’t fit
into the discussion I’ve otherwise explored. In upcoming writings, I’ll explore
very terrestrial explanations for the phenomenon and the possibility of
deliberate disinformation regarding the phenomenon.